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A Culture of Honor

Join me for this powerful message on cultivating 'A Culture of Honor' in the church. In this sermon, we dive into Matthew 13:53-58, exploring how familiarity can breed dishonor and hinder our ability to receive from God. We discuss the importance of valuing God's presence, His Word, and His leaders, and how honoring these aspects creates an atmosphere for God to move mightily. Through biblical examples and practical insights, we're challenged to treat the things of God with reverence and appreciation, believing for a deeper encounter with His glory in every service. Be encouraged with this transformative message that will inspire you to elevate your honor for God and His house!



Biblical Obedience

Join us as we delve into the profound topic of Biblical Obedience in this sermon. Learn how obedience goes beyond mere compliance to God’s Word and involves a deep connection with God’s heart. Explore the importance of being a doer of the Word and how it leads to spiritual growth and blessings in your life. Discover what true obedience requires: willingness, consistency, and unity.

We discuss the story of Mary and Martha, highlighting the balance between serving and sitting at Jesus's feet. We also emphasize the significance of aligning our actions with God’s will, as Jesus Himself did. As we strive to be obedient to God's calling in our lives, we can experience the supernatural power and blessings that come with it.



Tell Them to Make Room for the Glory!

In this message, I felt the Holy Spirit say "Tell them to make room for the glory of God!" So many churches have their own agendas or programs. While God is not against programs, He is against being second place. It's time that we as the body of Christ make room for God to show up and do whatever He wants to do in a service! Be encouraged today as God is calling us to go from faith to faith and from glory to glory!


Created to Have Dominion

Many people don't know the authority that God has given them In Christ. God has created you to have dominion as a believer and to not be a victim to the attacks of the enemy. You are seated at the right hand of God far above all works of the devil and God has created you to rule and reign in your area of influence. I hope this Word encourages you as we talk about the dominion that God has given you! It's time to exercise that authority! 


Jehovah Rapha - The Lord Our Healer

In Exodus 15, you have the account of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt and coming upon waters that were too bitter to drink. Moses cries out to God for a solution and God shows him the solution. The solution was a tree - the solution was the cross. Whatever bitter waters you may face, whether it be cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, unforgiveness, etc. those bitter waters have a solution and that's the cross! Join me on a journey as we build faith and learn that just like God made bitter waters sweet in Exodus, He can make your bitter waters sweet today!


That All May Be Saved - Romans 10

In Romans 10, Paul has a clear message that he is trying to communicate. He's explaining the way of salvation that is simple, digestible and easy to understand. He then goes on to explain the beauty of sharing the gospel. We are all called the communicate our faith and to tell others about Jesus! Let's get into the Word as we at what God has to say to us!


Free From Sin - Romans 6

Christ has redeemed you from sin! Those things that once held you in bondage, don't have to hold you in bondage anymore. Let's look in Romans 6 and see what Paul says about being set free from sin.


God's Judgement on Sin - Romans 2

Paul has a lot to say in the first two chapters in Romans. The first two chapters Paul talks about God's judgment on sin and how sin is not to be taken lightly. He spends time building a case in the first two chapters because eventually he gives you the answer on how to escape God's judgment and that is to be placed in Christ. Let's take a journey through Romans chapter 2!


Faith in the Midst of Trials

We all are going to face different trials and situations in life. We are going to have opportunities to hold on to the Truth of the Word of God or throw in the towel. What will you do in the midst of trials? James chapter 1 encourages us to hold onto our faith, not to blame God and toapply the Word in any situation we face because it's the Word that will bring us the victory!


Being Faithful

In this teaching we are talking about being faithful. Wherever God has placed you in life, God has called you to be faithful in that area. Invest your talents. Invest your abilities into the work wherewith God has called you. He will bless the work of your hands and he will honor you for putting His kingdom first! Enjoy this message. I hope it encourages you today!


Walking in Love

In this teaching we are talking about walking in the love of God. We are all progressing in this love walk. We are not perfect, but we are being perfected. We are being matured. In this message we will answer different questions. What is love? How do we walk in this God kind of love? What does the Word say about forgiveness? Tune in and be encouraged.


The Gifts of Healings

In this message we are talking about one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit being the gifts of healings. In this message we will cover: what are the gifts of healings? How can you be more effective in praying for the sick? Are their different dimensions of healing and more. I believe this will encourage you and build your faith as you come into a realization that we are all called to demonstrate the Love of God through signs, wonders and miracles!


The Word of Knowledge

In this message we discuss one of the gifts of revelation being the word of knowledge. The Word of Knowledge is a tool that God gives us to reach the unbeliever, to equip the body of Christ and to give us special insight regarding different circumstances and situations. God wants to equip every believer and activate them in this gift! Watch this video and let's learn about this precious gift that the Holy Spirit has given the church for today!


Praying in the Spirit

Praying in the Spirit has not been talked about enough in the church. It's our greatest weapon when it comes to battling the enemy and the greatest asset we have to accomplish the plan of God in our life. Listen to this message and be encouraged today to pray at all times in the Spirit!


A Conversation on Healing

I hope you enjoy this interview that I did with a pastor friend of mine in Pakistan. He has his own network and this was aired all over Pakistan through television and also through his app to 80 different nations. In this interview we discuss the ministry of healing, how to be more effective in seeing the sick healed and I get to share my testimony. I hope you enjoy!


Active Faith

We all know, for the most part, what faith is. But how does faith come, and how do you release the faith God has given you? We are faith creatures, so it's vital that we learn to live, move, and operate by faith. In this video, we will explore the nature of faith, its origins, and how it is cultivated. You will discover practical steps to build and strengthen your faith, as well as effective ways to release the faith that you have. 


The Righteousness of God

In this message we will explore the person that God has made you to be. When you are in Christ, you have become an entirely new type of person. Watch this video and be awakened to who you really are in Christ!


A Revelation of the Blood

The shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ is the most powerful event that ever occurred on the face of the earth. Through the blood that was shed, not only was salvation made available but healing was made available, peace of mind was made available and so much more! Join me on a journey as we look at the power of the blood through the lense of the Old Testament and what it means for us today!


Your Authority as a Believer

So many Christians have a victim mindset or they are waiting on God to do something for them. However, God has deposited great power on the inside of each believer and is waiting on them to exercise the authority that He has given them! Let's get into the Word and discover this authority and power He has deposited in each and every one of us!


A Resounding "Yes!"

So many people don't know what God has made available to them. Healing is one of those things. They know that the blood of Jesus was shed for their salvation, but they question whether or not God would heal them. Have confidence that, as it pertains to God wanting you healed, the answer is a resounding yes! Join me as we build faith and discover God's will for you to be healed!

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