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If God Will Forgive You, He Will Heal You

Updated: Aug 28, 2021

It has become common in the body of Christ for people to accept that Jesus paid a price for them to be forgiven, but people find it difficult that He also paid a price for them to be healed. However, in the mind of God healing and salvation aren’t two separate events, they are the exact same thing.

Anytime you want to know what a word in the New Testament means, you have to look it up in the Greek because the new testament was translated from a Greek manuscript. So, if you look up the Greek Word for “Salvation” it actually has many different meanings.

The word is “sozo”. “Sozo” does mean salvation, so that you can go to heaven, but it also means “to deliver, or protect, heal, preserve, do well, to make whole.”

So, whenever you see the word “salvation” in the New Testament, you can plug in one of those words and it includes it in the original translation of the Word of God. Actually, whenever God talks about salvation in the Bible, it’s usually paired with healing.

“And the prayer of faith will save (heal) the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. AND if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” – James 5:15

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases,” –Psalm 103:2-3

In Matthew 9 it’s the account of a group of people who brought Jesus someone who was paralyzed. Jesus spoke to the man that was paralyzed and told him that He was forgiven. When the religious teachers of His day heard this, they were blown away that He could make such a statement. So, then Jesus replied in verse five and said: “What is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘Stand up and walk’?”

Jesus asks a rhetorical question reassuring them that in the mind of God, it’s the exact same thing.

So, in other words if Jesus will save you, then He will heal. If He will heal you, then He will bless you. If He will bless you, He will preserve you. It’s the all-inclusive work of Redemption!

Jesus blood didn’t just pave a way for you to go to Heaven, but the blood of Jesus was shed so you can access the grace of God in every area of your life. Yes spiritually, but physically, emotionally and mentally as well!

Many times, when this message is preached in different countries, at the moment when people put their faith in Jesus, they get healed. Their blind eyes open. Their dear ears get healed. The cancer dissolves out of their body. Why? Because it’s the gospel! It’s in the benefits package when you join the family!

Jesus doesn’t want you to wait until you go to Heaven until you start walking in divine health. He wants you to access Heaven right now.

What Jesus accomplished on the cross accessed the three parts of our salvation. He is the savior of our spirits, the Healer of our bodies and the deliverer of our souls.

Let me encourage you today to put your faith in Him as not just your savior but the healer of your body!



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