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Brady Mlechick

Building a legacy to spread hope, faith, & healing.

It's my desire to teach the body of Christ and to see people experience His healing power in a real & tangible way.

- Brady Mlechick

   Brady is a husband, teacher, writer and minister. At the age of fifteen he felt the call to ministry after an extended amount of time seeking God through prayer and in the Word. He knew after this time that he was to preach to the lost and to demonstrate the gospel through signs, wonders and miracles. He started praying for the sick in youth and many testified to being healed immediately!

    After high school, he moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma to attend Rhema Bible Training College and graduated in 2013.

  Since graduating from Bible school, he has been going into numerous detention centers to preach the Word and has seen an incredible amount of people respond to the power of God! The blind see, the deaf hear and cancer has been healed as many testify to Jesus healing them immediately in the prison.

  Right now, he teaches and holds healing services in his local church and leads teams into different detention facilities in Nevada and trains the volunteers to also do the works of Jesus. He currently resides in Las Vegas, NV with his wife Jacqueline and serves under the leadership of Pastors Luis and Elsa Moncada at Iglesia Cristiana Libertad.

   He is currently accepting invitations to preach and teach. If you are interested in hosting him, fill out your information in the "contact" tab. We'd love to connect!


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